To develop a viable, diverse and walkable neighborhood for easier ”green” lives (low individual eco-footprint, 1,3 gha). Connecting people, streets, places and activities. On the background layer, the landscape with the potentials of nature services, layers of urban fabric develops; work, play, stay, move.
A diverse, connected neighborhood.
The project is to work with one (or some) of the situations (currently at Wergeland) that will change as the light rail in Bergen continues its way further south in the Bergen valley. Development and densification of these areas is happening. To become viable socially and environmentally sustainable areas qualified and aware thinking on many levels is needed; in the decision-making processes (political courage), in the development of the land and use of the areas of the inhabitants when living here. Politicians, architects, engineers, planners, investors, inhabitants.
The background layer of action, the landscape is one factor. The urban structure is another. How to further develop a situation that is already developed, but is lacking several programs to meet the needs of the short traveled inhabitant. Pedestrian accessibility, accessibility by bike, green areas with (great?) potential for nature-services. Mixed use programming and type of housing (single/family/elder), retail. Elements that can shape the impression of an area. The micro-climatic surroundings in the streetscape and in the spaces between, orientation of urban fabric based on sun access in the landscape.
On the background of rising energy prizes (due to the dependence on non renewable resources) and the goal of the Norwegian Ministry and KLIMAKUR 2020 of 50% reduction in green gas emissions (GGE) by 2050, how can or need our (urban) neighborhoods change to make this adaption possible for people? But maybe more relevant in the future : how to plan for lifes with a eco-footprint sized 1.3 gha (global available bio hectars).
To live easier "green" lifes...

To live easier "green" lifes...
Today the average eco-footprint
of a Norwegian citicen is 6,8 gha (so called global available bio capacity hectars), idealistically, with the 6,8 billion people living on the planet, this should be 1,3 gha. Food habits, transportation depending on fossil fuels and the energy consumption in the building mass is some of the actions causing the large size of our gha.