Tomorrow, (or at least very soon) I will have to make some decisions on which directions I want to go, and start to focus on what to finish for the final exam.
(My) Wall of explored themes and where it could end? Master plan or information architecture?
tutor André Fontes talks of systems and logic...
co-student Marens project on Skudeneshavn
co-student Johs´project from Paradis, Bergen. Also working with development of one of the stops along the light rail.
workshop studio...
laura, your project can be anything you want it to be. follow your interest and your passion and your ideas. WEAR your overall ALL the time! specially at confrontations, when discussing with someone, keep a potato in your pocket and a plant at your desk, keep documenting, sketch on the website, develop potetbua and read my comment on your prior post - let it grow!