I tried to get the the old kiosk at Wergeland (gamle trikke kiosken), but that was not possible, maybe I already told you this.... So now I am thinking something like a module built kiosk that can be set up and transported around by trailer. Partly re-using materials. (Like old windows, that I happen to have collected and stored in my garage). I was thinking it could be nice to include it in the exhibition, together with a computer where visitors can explore the website, books of relevance maybe, some of the vegetable boxes (blomsterkasser eg har plantet urter og grønsaker i, i logo farge. Sjølvlaget av gjenbruksmaterialer), etc. I imagine this as a light construction, something like The Pavilion For Vodka Ceremonies by Alexander Brodsky, (http://arkitectos.blogspot.com/2009/01/pavilion-for-vodka-ceremonies-2005.html). But as I mention in the next blogpost I am now very unshure of what I am doing. So tomorrow, and probably the next days I will make some excluding decisions. God thing you r coming soon! Web page is not moving forward at all as I have some trouble at the moment in getting help to produce it.But I hope this will come round soon.
hei laura a link for inspiration - do you know PUSHAK? http://www.norway.org.uk/News_and_events/culture/design/pushak-lfa/
don't worry, uncertainty is part of the process. let your project be like a plant - water it, feed it, think about it and talk to it and it will grow and become strong :)
yes, use your old windows, yes include a computer, yes include everything, but also structure, pull some weeds out and communicate see you wednesday!
YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT, URBAN PLANNING FOR A CHANGING WORLD and URBAN AGRICULTURE. Somehow they are connected and through this blog I will try to show how, and consequentially of this connection, why the ideas and ideals around urban planning and governmental management needs to change...
This blog presents the continous work of my diploma from 1st of feruary to 6th of august 2010. Examination will be finished 1st of september 2010 and then I will hopefully be a Master of Architecture. The task is urban development, in a sustainable perspective, along Bergen Light Rail (BYBANEN). Working in three situations I am hoping to develop some interesting scenarios.
very nice and again inspiring growth pixs :)
SvarSlettany progress on the trailer?
I tried to get the the old kiosk at Wergeland (gamle trikke kiosken), but that was not possible, maybe I already told you this.... So now I am thinking something like a module built kiosk that can be set up and transported around by trailer. Partly re-using materials. (Like old windows, that I happen to have collected and stored in my garage). I was thinking it could be nice to include it in the exhibition, together with a computer where visitors can explore the website, books of relevance maybe, some of the vegetable boxes (blomsterkasser eg har plantet urter og grønsaker i, i logo farge. Sjølvlaget av gjenbruksmaterialer), etc. I imagine this as a light construction, something like The Pavilion For Vodka Ceremonies by Alexander Brodsky, (http://arkitectos.blogspot.com/2009/01/pavilion-for-vodka-ceremonies-2005.html). But as I mention in the next blogpost I am now very unshure of what I am doing. So tomorrow, and probably the next days I will make some excluding decisions. God thing you r coming soon!
SvarSlettWeb page is not moving forward at all as I have some trouble at the moment in getting help to produce it.But I hope this will come round soon.
hei laura
SvarSletta link for inspiration - do you know PUSHAK?
don't worry, uncertainty is part of the process. let your project be like a plant - water it, feed it, think about it and talk to it and it will grow and become strong :)
yes, use your old windows, yes include a computer, yes include everything, but also structure, pull some weeds out and communicate
see you wednesday!