But also the chaos of information is growing so I am working on ways to structure and linking it, so it will (hopefully) make sense in the end (6th of august is the deadline).
This is the words from my tutor (Vibeke);
"Information architecture (IA) is the art of expressing a model or concept of information used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems. a structural design of shared environments, methods of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, and online communities, and ways of bringing the principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape. jeg tenkte meg en slags reversering av denne prosessen: ways of bringing the principles of the structural design of shared environments, methods of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, and online communities to develop physical/architectural nodes (kiosks) that display, gather, generate info and social encounters around local sustainable living informasjonen du sitter på og har samlet på bloggen din er ikke tomt materiale! det du kan gjøre er å komme opp med en måte å skape en fysisk struktur som synliggjør materialet og formidler møter og aktiviteter lokalt 1:1 skisse er en veldig god måte å få lokal interesse for prosjektet ditt, ikke bare prat/info men real action that's power! (folk sier ofte om konseptuell kunst: 'i could have done that' - hvorpå svaret følger: yes, but you didn't - that's the difference! so go out and DO IT!
beste hilsen v"
Trying to get an overview of information while I get my hands dirty...
Tell you all about it soon, in the meantime you can enjoy the growing process!
not just your tutor - now also your fan :)
SvarSlettthose little green guys are so cute and full of promise!